A trusted community platform that fosters connections between like-minded individuals through interest-based groups and thought-provoking insights. The goal was to create a more intuitive and efficient platform for self-employed and everyone.
Skills Used
Product Design, Web Design, Native Development, Design Strategy
Skills Used
Product Design, Web Design, Native Development, Design Strategy
Skills Used
Product Design, Web Design, Native Development, Design Strategy
Figma, Adobe CC, Jitter, Lottie, Rive
Figma, Adobe CC, Jitter, Lottie, Rive
Figma, Adobe CC, Jitter, Lottie, Rive
The original platform had an outdated interface that needed to be revised, causing frustration among users. The complex workflows and lack of clear visual hierarchy made it challenging for users. Our task was to simplify the user journey, reduce cognitive load, introduce gamification, monetisation and incorporate modern design principles to make the platform more user-friendly and visually appealing.
Our approach to redesigning Swish focused on simplifying complex workflows and reducing cognitive load by leveraging user-centered design principles and gamification. By modernizing the platform's interface, we created a trusted community for self-employed individuals, enhancing usability and fostering connections through intuitive navigation and a cohesive visual language.
Empowering Connections for a Modern Community
Swish’s redesign introduces a seamless and engaging interface, combining gamification with user-friendly features to help users effortlessly manage finances and connect within interest-based groups, enhancing their overall community experience.
The Next Generation of Swish Web Experience
Leveraging a unified design system, we developed Swish’s web app to offer a streamlined and cohesive platform. The new web interface not only complements the app but also reflects the brand's forward-thinking vision, ensuring a consistent and intuitive experience for users and engaging with the community.
Key Takeaways
Overall, user engagement surged by 84%, accompanied by a 25% reduction in task completion time and a 30% drop in user error rates. User satisfaction ratings climbed from 3.2 to 4.6 stars, and streamlined workflows, along with a modern interface, led to a 20% increase in new users within the first six months. The improved onboarding process boosted user retention by 35%, reflecting the success of the enhancements.
Creative Credits
CTO → Dafna Sokol
Senior Designer → Narendra Prasath
Senior Designer → Aarthi